Saturday, May 2, 2015

Reading Out Loud...My Choice

This week my sub gig takes a different twist.  I will be a full-time sub, filling in for a teacher who is due to have a baby at any moment!  I am excited for her, mostly because it is her first baby.  I recall how scary and yet wonderful that was all at once.

I am excited for me, mostly because I started the year out in a fourth grade classroom and now I will get to end the year in another fourth grade classroom!

One of the tasks I have been given is to pick a book for a read aloud.  Well, crumbs that I only have about three weeks to be with these kiddos.  I would LOVE to read all 8 of these books to them.

I am not sure, any of these books may have all ready been read aloud this school year.  When I get to class, I am thinking about having the students vote on their top three favorites.  I will do a book review on each.  Maybe a "Mad Minute" teaser about each book.  

However, on Thursday, I listened to a story on NPR about reading the Harry Potter series.    

I love this introduction to the article, "New research suggests that school kids who read and identify with Harry Potter display more positive attitudes toward people from disadvantaged groups."

If that isn't a compelling reason to read HP out loud, I'm not sure what is!  I know that as a teacher, I would love to inspire my students to read over the summer months.  Last summer I did my master's thesis on summer reading loss.  I might have to rig the kids votes so Harry Potter is number one.  It's only been 17 years since I've read book one, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  The classroom teacher, for whom I will be filing in, is having a boy...hmmm...The boy who lived?....THIS could be FUN!!!  
